Thursday, September 22, 2011

We Went to War Because...

George Washington went to war with Great Britain for a variety of reasons, including British over-aggression. However, he made an alliance with the Oneida Nation during this time of war because he needed their help in conducting military actions, a move which reflects realist principles.

Ulysses S. Grant went to war in order to preserve the union of the United States, a cause in which he firmly believed.
US Navymen went to war out of a sense of nationalism. As President John F. Kennedy said, "Any man who may be asked what he did to make his life worthwhile can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction, I served in the US Navy."

Friedrich von Steuben went to war to help the American colonies and continue his military career after serving Fredrich the Great of Prussia. Furthermore, he provided aid to the colonies for strategic reasons, given that his own country would have much to gain from the downfall of Great Britain.

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